April 24, 2023—This is a summary of the April 24, 2023 public meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board. Official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting.
Acknowledgement of Traditional Lands
Recited by Stacey Lewis, Trustee, South Prince Edward County: As Trustees for Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board and as settlers to this land, we acknowledge and honour the land on which we reside, occupy and meet as part of the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat and Anishinabek people. These Indigenous Nations agreed to mutual sharing obligations and responsibilities as stewards of the land and water. Today these responsibilities and obligations extend to all Peoples. These lands are steeped in rich Indigenous history, traditions and modern cultures that are proud and vibrant. The Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board supports and is committed to the stewardship of the land, and the responsibilities that we hold to ensure learning, education programs and services support all staff and students.
Presentation: Thoughtful Thursdays at Sir John A. Macdonald School
A culture of high expectations exists at Sir John A. Macdonald School (SJAM). The entire school community lives it every day. In the words of the presenters, “We are an inclusive, caring community with dedicated staff who provide quality education and support to all students. We foster an environment of respect, responsibility and kindness which emphasizes the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of each child.”
A group of SJAM educators used a collaborative team approach to foster cultural awareness and student learning about Truth and Reconciliation calls to action. Through engaging storytelling and activities, they aligned with Indigenous cultures, practices and celebrations. Thoughtful Thursday learning is just one way this reflective group of educators adapt their practices to support each and every child.

Thank you the presenters: Teachers Jenn Cooke, Brittany Gray, Stacey Lavender, Nancy Warren and Principal Leanne Pond.
Rise and Report from Committee of the Whole Closed Session
The committee discussed a human resources matter.
Report from Trustees Appointed to External Organizations
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA)
Highlights from this report included the following:
- The OPSBA has released preliminary statements on both the 2023-2024 Grants for Student Needs and the Better Schools and Outcomes Act.
- Further analysis and a response to the proposed changes will be shared in the coming days and weeks (prior to the feedback deadline of May 16).
- Take your MPP to School Day: May 23 and May 26; OPSBA would appreciate trustee presence during the tours and using the hashtag #MPPSchoolDay.
- A reminder that nominations for the Ontario Public Student Trustee Leadership Scholarships are open until April 28.
- Registration is open for the Ministry of Ed/Osgoode Professional Development Sessions for School Board Leaders. Topics include Disability Rights in Public Education and Hate Activity in School Boards.
- Registration for the OPSBA 2023 Annual General Meeting and Elections
- Eastern Region Update: PPAN Award Committee will be formed in the coming weeks.
- Upcoming OPSBA events:
- April 27-28 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Conference, Toronto
- April 28-29 Board of Directors meeting
- May 23-26, Take your MPP to School Day
Standing Committee reports
Governance and Policy Committee, April 17, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- review of the draft policy about Board Governance; and
- topic suggestions for trustee learning sessions.
Student Learning, Well-Being and Equity Committee, April 3, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- follow-up from a School Within a College tour at Loyalist College;
- Adventure Class program review update; and
- Safe Arrival pilot project at four schools.
Physical Planning, Finance and Building Committee, April 11, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- enrolment and staffing requirements;
- Rural and Northern Education Funding;
- contingency plan for Easthill Elementary School; and
- busing for excursions and extra-curriculars.
Board members approved a recommendation to award a tender in the amount of $1.1 million to Knudsen Construction Ltd. for Phase 3: Special Education Renovations at Trenton High School. Find out more starting on page 24 of the April 24, 2023 agenda.
Statutory Committee reports
Audit Committee
Board members approved a motion to re-appoint Kim Egan to the Audit Committee for a three-year term commencing April 25, 2023. Find out more starting on page 26 of the April 24, 2023 agenda.
Parent Involvement Committee, April 18, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- approximately 25 people in attendance;
- Pro Grant funding (Parents Reaching Out Grants from the Ministry of Education; sharing events and ideas among schools;
- an upcoming Family Symposium: Thursday, May 25, 6:00 PM with keynote speaker Jamie Mason, focus on mental health; child care will be available at the YMCA in Belleville, as well as a food truck; it will be online and in person;
- education funding update;
- input on a potential fall wellness break in the school year calendar;
- building trust within school communities; and
- training for parents/guardians about racism, 2SLGBTQ+.
Supervised Alternative Learning Committee, March 29, 2023 and April 12, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- 15 students were approved at the first meeting and 11 students were approved at the second meeting.
Advisory Committee reports
Indigenous Education Advisory Committee, April 5, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- it was an informal meeting due to the low number of participants;
- Part 2 of the trustee training;
- potential activities: painting, symposium; and
- a credit rescue report was reviewed.
Student Voice Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:
- a Student Voice Conference is set for this Friday, with 10 students from each secondary school, the focus will be on mental health.
Administrative Committee reports
Instructional Technology Advisory Committee, March 28, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- software intake process and best practices;
- technology evergereening process;
- multi-factor authentication; and
- update on the GoTo Project (Google Together)
Mental Health Leadership Team, March 28, 2023
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Mental Health Week, May 1-7, activities are being planned;
- the upcoming Student Voice Conference;
- health promotion with Hastings Prince Edward Public Health;
- update from Kairos about addictions supports;
- 2SLGBTQ+ event with Martin Boyce; and
- updating the Gender Identity Guide for staff.
Report from the Chair
Highlights from this report included the following:
- participated in a human trafficking presentation;
- visited Loyalist College for the School Within a College program
- attended the Open House at Sir James Whitney School
- attended the Student Art Show, which is on now at the Parrott Art Gallery in Belleville; the public is invited to go to the gallery to see the incredible student artwork on display.
Report from the Director of Education
Highlights from this report included the following:
- funding for school boarda was released last week;
- legislation was tabled regarding changes to the Education Act;
- BandFest was today at Centennial Secondary School, with eight schools represented;
- several Math learning sessions for staff held at the Education Centre last week;
- 40 educators are going to the Ontario Association for Math Education Conference;
- 14 elementary and secondary educators attended a concussion symposium;
- May 4: Inspiring Excellence Awards event at Centennial Centennial School.
Staff reports
Indigenous Board Action Plan/National Indigenous History Month Education Funding Leadership Development
The 2022-2023 Board Action Plan for Indigenous Education is available now. In Canada, the month of June is National Indigenous History Month. June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a time where Indigenous history and culture will be highlighted and honoured in classrooms throughout HPEDSB. The Indigenous Education Team will continue to support educators for this month and day of significance. Find out more starting on page 27 of the April 24, 2023 agenda.
Education funding update
The funding information recently received from the Ministry is in the process of being incorporated into a draft budget as part of the revenue projections. Ongoing discussions with the Ministry of Education are underway to clarify details. Find out more starting on page 30 of the April 24, 2023 agenda.
Leadership development update
Leadership development this school year has been focused on capacity building and enhancing our recruiting processes for school leaders. As we continue to navigate post-pandemic complexities, our focus has expanded to include building leader knowledge about resilience and their ability to support their personal well-being combined with building capacity among their respective staffs. Find out more starting on page 35 of the April 24, 2023 agenda.
Virtual School for 2023-2024
The ongoing, annual decline in the number of K-12 students and families indicating interest in the Virtual School presents a financially unfeasible and unsustainable structure for student learning in HPEDSB. Accordingly, HPEDSB will not offer a virtual school for the 2023-2024 school year. Students currently enrolled in the Virtual School will be automatically returned to their home schools at the end of June 2023. Find out more starting on page 37 of the April 24, 2023 agenda.
Calendar of Events
Trustee events
- June 8-10, 2023: OPSBA Annual General Meeting
Upcoming meetings
- May 1: Student Learning, Well-Being and Equity Committee
- May 8: Physical Planning, Finance and building Committee
- May 10: Accessibility Committee
- May 15: Governance and Policy Committee
- May 16: Mental Health Advisory Committee
- May 17: Student Alternative Learning Committee
- May 23: Public Board Meeting
- May 25: Special Education Advisory Committee
- May 25: Food for Learning Committee
- May 29: Student Learning, Well-Being and Equity Committee
- May 30: Parent Involvement Committee
School events
- May 2: Bayside Secondary School: Ontario Skills Competition, Toronto Congress Centre
- May 2: Queen Elizabeth School, JK Orientation/Open House, 1:00 PM
- May 2 & 3: Susanna Moodie Elementary School, “The Fractured Musical”
- May 3: Queen Elizabeth School, School Celebration of Dance
- May 3 & 4: Tweed Elementary School, “Matilda” Performance, 7:00 PM
- May 4: Queen Elizabeth School: Public Health/School Council Family Event, 2:30-4:30 PM
- May 6: Central Hastings School, Spring Carnival in partnership with Madoc Township Public School
- May 8: Frankford Public School, Grade 1-6 Bike Rodeo
- May 9: Bird’s Creek Public School, Grade 6/7 Transition trip to NHHS; Fun Fair at 5:00 PM
- May 10: Centennial Secondary School, Open House for Grade 6, 7 & 8 families
- May 12: Central Hastings School, Famine Fundraising Event 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- May 12: Frankford Public School, Career Fair
- May 13: Susanna Moodie Elementary School, Rotary Spelling Bee at Bayside Secondary School
- May 16 & 17: Centennial Secondary School, “Sixteen in 10 minutes or less” Musical, 6:30 PM
- May 29 & 30: Centennial Secondary School, Junior Arts Program “Centennial Tonight” Performance, 6:30 PM
- May 30: York River Public School, OYAP grant-funded Car and Truck Show Exploring the Trades and Building Model Cars, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications and Privacy Manager, 613-966-1170, extension 62354, or 613-847-0696, or [email protected]